【2020綠島最佳指南懶人包.中英版本】依時序吃住玩買的48小時綠島攻略.綠島推薦民宿.套裝行程 Travel Guide for Dummies: 48 hours on Green Island - a guide that saves you the trouble of planning your own trip!

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這一篇撰文是依照時序來撰寫,分為13天和大家分享在綠島吃住玩買等行程,當然大家也可以自由抽換景點,就請跟著食光旅人一起來趟綠島48小時的快閃行程! 💕

Tired of being cooped up at home? Why not plan a vacation to Green Island?
This 48-hour guide is for you! It’s packed with things to do, places to eat, and sights to see! It’s also written in chronological order, though feel free to switch things up! I’ll be sharing it with you guys over the next 13 days, so keep a lookout for it!


I could see their sign waving at me from down the street!

Haven`t had enough? Well click on the link above and read the complete version on my blog!
